A Smart Toothbrush to Close Teeth Gaps After Deep Cleaning

smart toothbrush

Deep cleaning is a crucial aspect of dental care. Scaling and root planing can help remove stubborn plaque and tartar from our teeth. A common belief is that these treatments may also create gaps between teeth, which could potentially result in gum recession. But is this really the case?

This article will focus on the methods to close teeth gaps after deep cleaning and then introduce you to an electric toothbrush that can help you avoid or address these gaps teeth after deep cleaning. That toothbrush is Soocas NEOS II.

Understanding the Causes of Gaps

Deep cleaning usually has slight impacts on causing gaps if you have healthy teeth and undergo it regularly. When you find that gaps have occurred between your teeth after deep cleaning, it’s more likely due to the fact that you may have suffered from gum disease or have been irregular in visiting the dental clinic.

Poor oral hygiene

Poor oral hygiene involves infrequent brushing and flossing. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), individuals should brush their teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once per day to maintain oral hygiene. Failure to do so can lead to plaque buildup and food accumulation in the teeth, which may widen the gaps between teeth and compromise oral health. 

Loss of teeth

When teeth are lost, the adjacent teeth may lose support and gradually shift. This movement can cause the teeth to become more spaced out, creating interdental gaps. Moreover, food can easily get stuck in these gaps, which may further cause gum recession. If tooth loss occurs, it's important to visit the dental clinic as soon as possible to discuss options for tooth replacement or restoration. 


Gaps can also occur as we age. Calcium loss and gum recession are common, contributing to the development of gaps. You had better not eat hard foods if your teeth aren’t in good condition. In addition, using a high-quality dental aid like Soocas NEOS II and visiting your dentist regularly are crucial for maintaining good oral health.

Ways to Close Gaps

Gaps between teeth can not only detract from your smile's appeal but also make it easy for food to get stuck while eating. Furthermore, these gaps can make brushing more difficult and may even cause gum disease. Fortunately, they are not irreparable and can be corrected through several methods. Here are some of the most common ways:

  1. Veneer

When opting for a porcelain veneer, your dentist will remove a small amount of each treated tooth’s outer enamel layer and roughen the texture of the enamel to ensure a stronger bond to the porcelain. After taking a dental impression, your veneer will be custom-made. Finally, you will try on the veneers, and your dentist will securely adhere them to your teeth.You will likely become accustomed to them quickly. Moreover, teeth with porcelain veneers closely resemble their natural state and are highly resistant to staining.

  1. Bonding

This method is more suitable for those with smaller gaps. Your dentist will use a tooth-colored resin material to fill the gaps in your teeth and then perform the light-curing treatment to solidify the resin and ensure it bonds closely with your teeth. However, its wear resistance and durability are relatively low.

  1. Braces 

Braces are used to align teeth and gradually close the gaps in your teeth. However, this treatment should be administered by professional dentists, and you have to take more time to keep your oral hygiene, preventing food accumulation. Regular visits to the dental clinic are also necessary. An excellent toothbrush, like Soocas NEOS II, will help you when you’re wearing braces.

smart toothbrush
  1. Frenectomy 

The large gap between the two upper front teeth may stem from the abnormal frenum. An overly large frenum, or one attached too low on the gums, can exert tension that keeps the front teeth separated. The frenectomy procedure involves trimming off the excessive frenum tissue to address the gaps.

  1. Implants or bridges

Dental implants or bridges can replace missing teeth so that the gaps between your teeth won’t be widened. Moreover, they will improve both the chewing function and aesthetics of your teeth.

Soocas NEOS II Closes Gaps without Dental Intervention

All the five ways mentioned above require professional operation. Visiting the dental clinic consumes time and energy, making it less convenient. Fortunately, there exists a simpler alternative to close gaps without dental intervention: Soocas NEOS II. While it primarily excels at removing stubborn plaque and tartar as part of your daily oral care routine, it can contribute to maintaining oral hygiene, which may indirectly help manage the appearance of tooth gaps over time.

If you have undergone any of the five treatments earlier, Soocas NEOS II is also able to enhance their effectiveness and maintain your oral hygiene during and after the treatment period. 

Powerful  Water Flosser  In clud ed 

Soocas NEOS II is an electric toothbrush with a water flosser. With the assistance of its 0.6 mm ultra-fine water streams, NEOS II can clean every corner of your mouth, including the hard-to-reach areas like back teeth and the inside of your tongue. In addition, Soocas NEOS II is able to floss food particles from between your teeth gaps and effectively prevent gaps from widening.

If you wear braces, NEOS II can also streamline your cleaning routine and make brushing more enjoyable. People with braces are more prone to bad breath. However, Soocas NEOS II allows you to fill diluted mouthwash into the built-in water tank so that you can freshen your breath post-brushing. The scent will also linger in your mouth and effectively avoid social embarrassment.

Adjustable Intensities:  Customize  Your Cleaning

Soocas NEOS II offers dual modes: the Deep Clean Mode and the Quick Floss Mode. Deep Clean Mode provides a comprehensive 2-minute brushing session followed by a 1-minute flossing session. It is ideal for daily teeth cleaning. Quick Floss Mode is a 1-minute flossing program, which is designed for use after meals or during travel.

Additionally, Soocas NEOS II provides three intensitiy levels: gentle, standard, and strong. You can freely combine two of these settings based on your oral condition and personal preferences. For instance, if you have receding gums, it’s recommended to opt for the gentle intensity.

Excellent Cleaning Performance 

Soocas NEOS II can remove 100% plaque, which is superior to others. Furthermore, if you enjoy lolly drinks but happen to have a porcelain veneer, don’t worry. Soocas NEOS II can remove 35 times more stains, keeping your teeth white and bright.